Back again, I've been so busy making cards, running round after the family, decorating and working that I have really neglected this blog, time to remedy that!
I have mostly been making cards again, but I did find time for a bit of scrap booking one Sunday morning...
The picture has been staring at me for months, in a rack of papers but where I could see it. Taunting me!
First I chopped up the paper to make a card with my son for one of his friend's birthdays as I knew it was a bit bold for a whole scrap booking page...
We made this together...
Then a week later I did this!
I was attacked one Sunday morning in bed by pirate's. As you can see they were quite intimidating and did get their breakfast demands met!
I am getting asked about Christmas cards now and only have a few left over from last year! One year I will actually start them in January! No new ones made at all so that is the next project. Luckily I have all my Christmas stuff in one place so time to dig it all out.
In the meantime I will be posting more pics of all the large A4 cards I have been making...